Welcome to my webpage!
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the DIW Berlin and a lecturer in econometrics at the DIW Graduate Center and the Berlin School of Economics (BSoE).
I am an applied microeconomist with a primary focus on labor economics. I am particularly interested in wage and employment dynamics, and the effects of minimum wages.
Feel free to reach out to me to chat about research, or life in general!
Ph.D. in Economics, 2024
DIW Berlin & Berlin School of Economics via Freie Universität Berlin
Research Master in Economics, 2018
Sciences Po Paris
M.Sc. in Policy Economics, 2016
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.A. in European Business, 2015
OTH Regensburg
In this ongoing project, we study the effect of firm shutdowns on wage losses with a novel approach to accounting for worker heterogeneity. We follow Bonhomme, Lamadon, and Manresa (2019) to uncover workers’ latent types and firms’ classes using the universe of social security data of Italy’s Veneto region. We then measure responses to firm shutdowns across and within workers’ types using an event-study framework.